Boot Camp Volume to Volume Clone Error

Attempting to migrate existing 123.7Gb Boot Camp drive on my original spinning disk, mid-2012 13-inch MacBook Pro onto a recently installed 249Gb SSD drive in what was the optical drive bay. SSD formatted as MS-DOS (FAT32) and has nothing else on it. After clicking “Clone,” “Scanning Volume” progress bar makes it to around five percent complete before I get the following message: “There was an error during the disk to disk clone. There may be a problem with one of the volumes or the disks.” I cannot find any issues with the brand new target SSD volume. Please advise. Thank you!

please look in the log:

log show --style syslog --predicate 'process contains[cd] "winclone"' --info --last 2d

(you can adjust the argument of “2d” from 2 days to other time periods that you want the log, like “10m” for the last 10 minutes or 3h for the last 3 hours).

That should give more information on the issue that is happening.


Ok. Need some step-by-step help on this one as I’m not familiar with how to use the console. I see a search bar in the console and when i put this argument in nothing shows up when i run the clone operation. Also have no idea how to adjust the days argument. Thx.


I have a similar if not the same issue. I am trying to clone bootcamp to an empty FAT32 volume on an external SSD. The Available Space is greater than the Required Space. The error message is:

Restore Error
There was an error during the disk to disk clone. There may be a problem with one of the volumes or the disks.

The only log message generated is:
Apr 19 11:31:33 asilvert-rmbp Winclone[82741]: DEPRECATED USE in libdispatch client: dispatch source activated with no event handler set; set a breakpoint on _dispatch_bug_deprecated to debug
