Hallo Tim,
as I had the problems with Winclone, converting my System from a 2-TB-SSD to a 4 TB SSD, now I installed Win 10 complety fresh on the 4-TB-SSD and installed the Boot Camp drivers from an USB stick. My Mac Pro 5,1 Starts from the Win-SSD if no Mac-OS-SSD is placed in an other bay. So far, so good the first step.
Yesterday I took an update from Boot Runner 3.2 to 3.4 and Boot Runner now will not start the old Win-2-TB-SSD either the Win-4-TB-SSD. After “Reloading” (wich stucks with the grey box named Reloading – so it’s just possible to manualy reload with the button down on the screen) Boot Runner jumps back to the Boot Runner start screen. To run the both Win-SSDs in Parallels Desktop works.
I tried to install the Version 3.4 two times, switched all Virus-Apps off at the 2nd time. Nothings gonna be better. Now unfortunately I have no iinstaller from an older Version left and from Twocanoes I get only the latest version 3.4.
Would it be possible to get the dmg from 3.2 and maybe also 3.3 to test this one?
I would be very grateful.
Kind regards