Bootrunner no longer works after PRAM/NVRAM reset

Hey guys, would love some help.

I’ve been using Boot Runner for a long time in my Mac Pro 2010, with an upgraded non-stock apple graphics card. I use bootcamp and use Boot Runner to let me switch operating systems easily even though I can’t access the standard inbuilt mac boot option screen.

I had to do a NVRAM/PRAM reset because of some other problem - and ever since then (I think it was due to this, though this might have happened at the same time that some other problem happened), boot runner won’t restart into my windows partition. The boot runner screen loads, and then when I click on the windows partition, nothing happens. I can still restart into windows if I select it as the default boot drive in system preferences.

Would love some help, this is what I bought Boot Runner for, and it has been working well for a long time! Thanks heaps.

Did you disable SIP again? Zapping the PRAM clears the SIP settings.


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Ah!! Thanks so much. I disabled it, and then realised I could enable it --nvram. So currently it is enabled but with ‘–nvram’ and now works! Thanks so much!

Side question, do you know anything about how safe it is disabling SIP, or having SIP enabled without nvram?

Sorry for the slow reply - but thanks so much for your comment. Super helpful.

SIP protects various parts of the filesystem as well as NVRAM. The NVRAM protections are to prevent malware from selecting a different startup disk. When you partially enable SIP to allow Boot Runner to select the startup disk programmatically, you allow that feature but keep the protections for the filesystem.


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Awesome, thanks for the insight, I really appreciate it!

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