Can i install sd clone3 on my desktop imac and. my macbook

I’ve just purchased SD CLONE3 and installed it on both my imac desktop and my macbook pro. Activated successsfully on the imac but when I entered the activation info in the macbook pro, i got an error . Why will it not allow activation? I expected this software to follow the standard which allows most software on mac to be installed on desktop and a portable, as long as both are not in use at the same time.
Have I gone down the wrong path buying SD CLONE?

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Please try again. I added an additional activation.


Hi Tim,
I tried again. Still getting the error message.
I uninstalled and reinstalled but still will not activate.
Any suggestions?

I checked and it wasn’t updated. I updated again and this time refreshed and double checked, and it should be good now. Sorry about that.


thanks. it worked this time.
all the best,

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