Can't boot the win10 OS from one external Hard Disk


I bought the Winclone 7 (ver. 7.3.2) yesterday. And I used the function (volume to volume) to clone Bootcamp (Win10) to one exteranl Hard Disk.

When I opened the MBP, I chosed the EFI boot, and I hope I can use the external Hard Disk as one Windows System.

At first, the screen appear the Windows logo. After one minute, It can’t boot the Windows from the external Hard Disk. And the screen appear the Mac logo.

Could you tell me how to boot from the external Hard Disk and what is the function (volume to volume) ?

Thank you.


You are using the volume to volume correctly. Is it possible you are using a new Mac? They do not allow external booting without allow it from the recovery partition in Startup Security Utility.


Dear Tim,

The laptop is Macbook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015). The iOS is macOS high Sierra. Is the mac new?

And could you tell me how to use the “Volume to Volume” function? Or just like I did.


That should work fine. It is possible that external booting won’t work with that Mac / drive.


Didn’t see any mention of this in the instructions. Is there a list of drives that are known to work, or not work and which Macs?

I’m trying to do the same on a 13" MBP 2018 with Allow external booting and no security, which works for macOS but not Windows 10 Enterprise 18323 insider build. If I start over with 1809 and not insider should it work? Using a SanDisk Extreme USB-C 1TB. (The first version 500MBs, not the current version of 1GBs)

I’m hoping to compensate for having only a 256GB SSD internally by booting into Windows 10 on the external SSD and only using the internal for macOS. Using the Standard version of Winclone. I didn’t use Sysprep, would that prevent booting?

This article outlines what drives we have tested:


That is the one I followed but I skipped the Sysprep step and I was able to make an image and restore that image to the internal and it worked but the same image restored to the external didn’t. Any ideas?

I guess my real question is what external drive can I use to boot Windows 10 off an external drive on my 13" 2018 MBP?

With the 3 different USB-C drives we tested, they all worked with all the new T2 machines. Is it possible you didn’t enable external booting in the recovery partition?


I wish that was it but yes that is enabled and no security is checked. It occurs to me that maybe the security should be medium or full?

Thanks for replying btw, I appreciate your help.

Progress! I started from scratch with a new bootcamp partition and 1809 Enterprise install. Can’t clone volume probably because the external drive partition is 200G vice the internals 121G so I create an image and then restore that image to the external partition. Got an EFI copy error from Winclone at the end of the restore and when I use the boot menu to select the EFI partition on the external HD it gets to the Windows logo and swirly dots, just got blank screen before, after a couple seconds of the swirly dots it reboots.

Update 2:
Tried the “make EFI bootable” in the Tools menu and now it boots to Windows logo, then blank blue screen, then reboots to macOS.

The EFI error is interesting. Can you try and “make EFI bootable” the external volume from within Winclone?
