Error cloning a Windows 7 bootcamp on Mid 2012 MacBook Pro High Sierra

I am in the process of clearing my HDD as I want to upgrade my MBP to a dual SDD running on RAID0 setup.

When I select ‘Create Image From Volume’, the Bootcamp partition gets unmounted, and I after a few seconds I get the following error:

Cloning Error: There was an error while file imaging. Please check the volume and try again

What could be causing this?

Also, a further question - I haven’t ran Sysprep as the image will go back onto the same laptop, however, will changing from a single HDD to a pair of SDD striped cause issues and require Sysprep?


Is it a hardware RAID? It may be difficult to boot Windows from a raid configuration.

As for the error check the log:

log show --style syslog --predicate ‘process contains[cd] “winclone”’ --info --last 2d

(you can adjust the argument of “2d” from 2 days to other time periods that you want the log, like “10m” for the last 10 minutes or 3h for the last 3 hours).

Thank you unfortunately that command isn’t working, I’m getting the error
log: Bad predicate: 'process

I’ve had a search of the forums to see if there is any variation of the command but no luck.

I am using the command in the MacOS Terminal, I’ve also tried to run it with sudo.

I found another post with that error in the log command, so I tried the other command in there, and got nothing. I tried running winclone and attempting to save the image file while the log command was running, but didn’t get any results:

log stream --style syslog --predicate ‘process contains[cd] ‘winclone’’
Filtering the log data using “process CONTAINS[cd] winclone”
Timestamp (process)[PID]

Try this:

log show --style syslog --predicate 'process contains[cd] "winclone"' --info --last 2d

(you can adjust the argument of “2d” from 2 days to other time periods that you want the log, like “10m” for the last 10 minutes or 3h for the last 3 hours).