How to clone other NTFS partition?

How do I clone other NTFS partitions? I have both Win10 Bootcamp partition and Data (NTFS) partition in my Macbook SSD internal drive. I would like to know how to use WinClone to clone also the Data NTFS partition as well to
a) an image file in an external HDD


b) Target Mode to another MacBook Pro and clone both the Bootcamp and Data NTFS volumes to the other Macbook.

Winclone doesn’t currently support cloning NTFS partitions that don’t have an OS on them, as there are a bunch of utilities (including Disk Utility iirc) that will do it.


As u mention disk utility could do it,
How do I use the MacOS Disk Utility to clone the NTFS into an image?

Previously there is ntfsclone in the WinClone. How do I access the ntfsclone from Terminal?

(I can’t find it in WinClone 6) but previous version users seems to be able to use the command line ntfsclone from WinClone earlier versions.

Yes, ntfsclone is still in Winclone. It is in the Tools directory of the Resources directory of the app bundle.
