Incrementals not working

I read the other thread on this topic, the one marked “solved” - well, it isn’t solved!

I have a brand new iMac, a newly created bootcamp/windoze 10 install, and a newly purchased winclone 7. It doesn’t get any cleaner than that!

It made the initial image just fine, but the incrementals are failing in the same manner described by others - the program instantly reports completion, and only the original image appears as a choice in the restore dialog.

In addition, the “submit logs” and “save logs” menu items don’t do anything. No dialog comes up. Not sure if the two issues are related.

We will have a beta of Winclone 7.2 that has a bunch of incremental fixes, as well as scheduling. Please give that a try and see if it resolves the issue. The beta is schedule to be out in the next week.


I have the same problem with Incremental, the program instantly reports completion, and only the original image appears as a choice in the restore dialog.
I have just updated to 7.3.2 from 7.1 running Windows 10 and get the same result.
Is there any solution to this problem?

Can you send the log to You can get the log this way:

log show --style syslog --predicate 'process contains[cd] "winclone"' --info --last 2d

(you can adjust the argument of “2d” from 2 days to other time periods that you want the log, like “10m” for the last 10 minutes or 3h for the last 3 hours).

Where do I enter this info, tried console log no success.

You have to enter the command in Terminal.
