Hello Tim,
I have a shiny new MacBook Pro 16" I’m trying to move BOOTCAMP over to from my old MacBook Pro
I have just bought Winclone for this purpose.
Tried a direct migration from my old Mac to the new one of the BOOTCAMP drive (source mac in target drive mode using Thunderbolt to connect to the new one), and it failed with some gobbledygook about the startup disk not being valid.
I tried searching your support pages and as a result I then did a ‘sysprep’ on the source machine, then tried again, and now the result does start booting on my new mac, but then fails with this BSOD:
What failed: AppleSSD.Sys
I see your response immediately above this post saying it worked for you, on a MacBook Pro 16" ,using ‘the same procedure used for migrating to any T2 Mac’.
So here’s the thing - its not obvious what that ‘same procedure for migrating to any T2 Mac’ is - your documentation / training videos (that I’ve seen so far) don’t mention it.
I found one blog post you made dating back to Winclone 7 about what you did about the existence of T2 macs, but that doesn’t directly tell -me- what to do about it now.
So the trouble here is that you seem to be assuming that new users to Winclone know what that means, or how to do it - and searching for that on your site provides ambiguous results for me.
Can you please tell me what that procedure is- and - as a suggestion - can you consider updating the software so that when its running on a T2 Mac, that it :
a) Tells the user they are on a “T2 Mac”; and
b) Tells them what they have to do about that fact for a successful result??
(It would also be helpful if the software, directly, mentioned the need to run ‘sysprep’ ‘on-screen’ as well - this would save your customers ‘avoidably wasted’ attempts (esp since each attempt takes quite a while - even between a pair of high end SSD macs using thunderbolt and target drive mode - which is what I’m doing).
Also - I have a clue from that blog post of yours that maybe the solution has to do with ‘WinPE’ - and I see the checkbox during migration (off by default) about enabling ‘WinPE’ support - but - the help page it links to tells me -what- this does but it doesn’t tell me -why- I might want to do it!
So the issue here is that for someone who isn’t dumb who has not previously had a need to understand (separately) “WinPE” and the special nature(s) of a T2 Mac - your existing documentation and support replies are written as if ‘everyone knows’ about both of those things - but - sincerely - they don’t.
I’ve already tried this several times, each time takes hours, and I feel like, surely, there should be a single ‘known good’ path here that you can have the software directly frame - and without me having to dig deep into the technology around this, when the tool does such a great job of ‘almost’ making the process pain free and automatic. I’m sure the fix is not hard - but - ideally I shouldn’t be having to do this much trial and error to work out that fix.
Hope you can help! The software looks fab in general, but this migration to the latest Mac model (which, surely, is a key/common use case) just isn’t smooth at all - without deep knowledge I don’t have and that I didn’t expect to need…!
The fallback path is a scratch install of Windows, I guess- which kinda invalidates the entire use-case for Winclone for me.
p.s. potentially useful data point - its a max-spec CPU/RAM MacBook Pro 16 with a 4TB SSD. Any chance its the much bigger SSD that’s somehow an issue?