MDS 1.4 - Do not see checkbox options to Create Admin user or Skip assistants

After downloading MDS v1.4 I cannot seem to locate a few OS specific options in MDS. I can find these options as packages though in the in bitbucket.

I have Cleared Resource Cache and then Checked for Resources (which then download) but still am not able to see the options listed below.

  • “Create Admin user” checkbox with username / password that creates an initial user
  • “Skip Setup Assistant” checkbox that creates a package to install that skips
  • “Skip Privacy Assistant” checkbox that creates a package to skip the privacy questions for new users

If you want this put as an issue in Bitbucket I am more than happy to do that, however, I figured I am missing something obvious and didn’t want to put anything in bitbucket due to my oversight.

All the best!

Those features had not been implemented yet! However, I implemented them over the weekend. Check bitbucket for the latest nightly build.


Tim you are the best! I’ll take a look at the nightlies. Thank you so much!!

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Let me know how it works out.
