Hi All,
I’m trying to run this script but its not running:
–get a domain admin user name and password which will be used to bind
set user_name_dialog to display dialog "Enter a domain admin account name: " default answer “” buttons {“Next”} default button “Next”
set user_name to text returned of user_name_dialog
set user_password_dialog to display dialog "Enter the domain admin password. " & return & return & “WARNING: If you are running Panther (MacOS 10.3), your input will be displayed in this box as clear text.” default answer “” buttons {“Next”} default button “Next” with hidden answer
set user_password to text returned of user_password_dialog
–We want to verify the computer name is proper before we bind
set currentName to ( do shell script “scutil --get ComputerName”)
set computerName to text returned of ( display dialog “Verify the computer name is correct” default answer currentName)
–Start binding
– Change AD.DOMAIN.COM to your AD domain
– Also change DC=ad,DC=domain,DC=com
do shell script "dsconfigad -f -a " & computerName & space & “-domain domain.ca -u " & user_name & " -p " & user_password & " -ou “CN=Computers,DC=domain,DC=com”” with administrator privileges
display dialog ( do shell script “dsconfigad -show” with administrator privileges)
I ran the script and works like a charm, but when adding it to MDS it doesn’t run.
I changed it to be executable (using chmod +x) but still not working.
any ideas? because I’m trying to use MDS as my company MAC deploy server and this is kind of a deal breaker!