Hi, I would like to run 3 instances of windows on my 2018 MacBook Pro with the help of Winclone. I wan to have two fresh instances of Windows 10 and one instance of Window 7 that is imaged from my older MacBook pro using Winclone 7.
To do this, I installed a new Windows 10 using bootcamp. Then I used “Disk Utility” to add two more partitions to “Macintosh HD”, one for Windows 7 and another for the second instance of Window 10.
Then I used Winclone 7 to take an image of the first instance of Windows 10 and restored it on the partition for the second instance of Windows 10. Winclone 7 confirmed that the process was successful. But when I restarted the computer and held the “option” key, there was only 1 instance of windows to choose from (instead of two) and when I chose to run that single instance, it started to load windows but somewhere in the middle it could not continue the process and I could only see the mouse cursor with occasional “wait” symbols for a 20 mins after which I restarted the system.
It seems that these two instances of windows somehow are conflicting even though they are on separate partitions. Naturally I could not even process to install Windows 7.
Can you describe step-by-step how can I use Winclone to have multiple images of Windows on my Mac?
Thank you.