Multiple windows on Mac with Winclone

Hi, I would like to run 3 instances of windows on my 2018 MacBook Pro with the help of Winclone. I wan to have two fresh instances of Windows 10 and one instance of Window 7 that is imaged from my older MacBook pro using Winclone 7.

To do this, I installed a new Windows 10 using bootcamp. Then I used “Disk Utility” to add two more partitions to “Macintosh HD”, one for Windows 7 and another for the second instance of Window 10.

Then I used Winclone 7 to take an image of the first instance of Windows 10 and restored it on the partition for the second instance of Windows 10. Winclone 7 confirmed that the process was successful. But when I restarted the computer and held the “option” key, there was only 1 instance of windows to choose from (instead of two) and when I chose to run that single instance, it started to load windows but somewhere in the middle it could not continue the process and I could only see the mouse cursor with occasional “wait” symbols for a 20 mins after which I restarted the system.

It seems that these two instances of windows somehow are conflicting even though they are on separate partitions. Naturally I could not even process to install Windows 7.

Can you describe step-by-step how can I use Winclone to have multiple images of Windows on my Mac?

Thank you.

Having multiple instances of Windows is problematic with the Mac firmware. Winclone can restore the image and make it bootable, but it tends to cause issues with other installed versions of Windows.


You can restore multiple Windows with WinClone, but only ONE boot-record in BCD will be created (from the latest installed Windows). Go to working Windows and add boot-records for another Windows using its BCDBoot or BCDEdit.
Exact syntax is described at MS technet.
bcdboot X:\windows f/ UEFI

or use any 3rd party utility like BCD Editor