I’m struggling to get BootRunner to boot my external Windows 10 installation, I can bless the volume via terminal [sudo bless /usr/sbin/bless -device /dev/disk3s1 -setBoot -nextonly] and it works fine.
I’ve set SIP to csrutil enable --without nvram
I’ve tried all 3 options in the force boot type, EFI, Legacy & Volume EFI
I’ve also uninstalled and reinstalled BootRunner, still no joy.
No matter what I do it just doesn’t seem to want to work
Running 10.14.1 and Boot Runner 3.1 if that combination has any bearing on the solution.
I’d be grateful for some advice on what to try next
OS X will unmount any volumes contained on removable drives when the user logs out, and will also unmount them if the removable drives are plugged when the Login Window appears. In order to see external drives at the Login Window, run the following defaults command:
Thanks for response, I had already set this value and can confirm the volumes stay mounted after logout as they are shown on the Boot Runner screen.
What exactly happens in the background when I select the drive I’d like to boot from, does this use bless setboot?
Are there any options to configure the parameters set, as I say when I run this command from terminal [sudo bless /usr/sbin/bless -device /dev/disk3s1 -setBoot -nextonly] it happily boots.
What and where can I look for in the logs to give me some idea what’s failing?
I do have an issue where the external drive doesn’t mount from a clean restart, I have to login before it mounts which I think is to be expected and it stays mounted okay after logout.
I think I’ll have to look at a putting something to mount this at /Library/LaunchAgents/ level but I need to resolve the issue of it not booting first.
You can adjust the “2d” for a longer or shorter time period. You can specify a number and then m (minutes) h(hours) or d (days). For example: “–last 2m” or “–last 3h”.
To send the output to a file, redirect the output: