Restore an old backup made with a previous version of winclone

Hi, how do I Restore an old backup made with a previous version of winclone to a new mac?

If i try the resume on the new mac will just not start copying files after asking to overwrite my bootcamp partition

Winclone 7 should restore prior versions of Winclone images. Can you explain the issue a bit more? I am unclear what the problem is.


When I click restore image i select image and destination

Winclone asks if ok to delete all files on destination

I click ok


Please look in the log and see if it gives more information:

log show --style syslog --predicate 'process contains[cd] "winclone"' --info --last 2d

(you can adjust the argument of “2d” from 2 days to other time periods that you want the log, like “10m” for the last 10 minutes or 3h for the last 3 hours).