Restore fails - checking partition ID failed

trying to restore an image and it immediately fails. I’m using a macbook pro 10.13.6. I did a full restore of my Macbook pro, created a new partition for bootcamp with a new windows image just to make sure the partition was created correctly, but still fails.

I’m using winclone 5 and it is also unable to update. It just says update failed please try again later.

There was an issue with earlier versions of Winclone 5.

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I did that and downloaded Winclone 5 again - now I can’t even launch it, although the other version i had launched fine.

It gives me as OS Version Error

This version of winclone requires 10.2 or earlier.

Please contact for an update.

I’m running 10.13.6.

Fill out this form for into on upgrades:
