Sorry for such a mundane question, but I’ll be sending my MacBookPro for battery repair tomorrow, and they said that it might be getting a new (blank) disk because of how the battery is attached (weird but that’s from the Apple Store). I run MacOS 10.13.6 and Bootcamp and Windows 10, 500GB for each partition. To restore to a brand new blank disk of the same size, I think these are the steps:
- day before bringing it for repair:
1.1 run TimeMachine to external USB disk
1.2 run Winclone from my Bootcamp volume to image on external USB disk (not winPE bootable) - After my MBP is returned, with a disk of the same size (1TB ssd), I expect it has a clean install of MacOS
2.1 run TimeMachine to restore my MacOS (and winclone)
2.2 run Winclone to restore the Bootcamp partition.
- before step 2.2 don’t I need to partition my disk? Or does Winclone do the partitioning?
- at step 2.2 are the default settings OK? Anything I should be careful of here?
- at step 2.1, if they give me a newer MacOS, can TimeMachine revert me to 10.13.6?
- in case step 2.2 fails, I have a backup done with Windows Backup. Is it possible to restore from that backup to a Bootcamp partition?
Thank you