(SOLVED) SIP is disabled - and still cannot restore

I have all entries in SIP disabled - and still when trying to Restore the system says SIP is keeping me from restoring. I am running WinClone 6…any advice?

That is strange. If you run “csrutil status” in terminal when booted from the main Mac partition, what are the results?



When running the “csrutil status” shows all 7-8 options disabled.

I am running on a Hackintosh MacOS Sierra. When i boot the recovery partition and run the csrutil disable it will only disable first 3-4 options. But during boot of my Mac via Clover EFI boot i can disable all options.

Nevertheless - MacOS shows all options off/disabled when booting the mail partition.


Winclone checks the output of “csrutil status” for these 2 terms:

NVRAM Protections: disabled
System Integrity Protection status: disabled

Is that what your output shows?


Hi Tim,

unfortuneately I am not with my machine again before saturday. I will update this reply when I can show you the output.


Hi Tim,

it works now.

I had disabled all options in my “csrutil status”. But it was not before I used Clover Boot configurator to disable SIP the csrutil status now give “System Integrity Protection status: disabled.”. All good - thanks.

Glad it is working. Can you you post what you did for others in the future?


In Clover Configurator go to Rt Variables and set it to 0x67. This disables SIP completely when booting.