Startosinstall Failed with return code 195

Hi everyone
I am new with everything related to MDS, I have created my disk and I have started the installation of my macbook pro, I want to install OS Catalina but I always receive the same error, can you help me

thanks for your help

my log

Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: opendirectoryd (build 382.20.2) launched - installer mode
Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: Logging level limit changed to ‘notice’
Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost configd[113]: adding
Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost configd[113]: adding
Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost configd[113]: loading
Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: Initialize trigger support
Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: created endpoint for mach service ‘’
Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: set default handler for RPC ‘reset_cache’
Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: set default handler for RPC ‘reset_statistics’
Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: set default handler for RPC ‘show’
Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: starting endpoint for service ‘’
Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: no dynamic data found at ‘/System/Library/OpenDirectory/DynamicData/Configure.plist’
Feb 7 03:36:46 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: Registered node with name ‘/Configure’ as hidden
Feb 7 03:36:47 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: no dynamic data found at ‘/System/Library/OpenDirectory/DynamicData/Local.plist’
Feb 7 03:36:47 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: Registered node with name ‘/Local’ as hidden
Feb 7 03:36:48 localhost configd[113]: load failed
Feb 7 03:36:48 localhost configd[113]: dlopen_preflight(/System/Library/SystemConfiguration/InternetSharingPreference.bundle/Contents/MacOS/InternetSharingPreference): Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Netrb.framework/Versions/A/Netrb
Feb 7 03:36:48 localhost configd[113]: Referenced from: /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/InternetSharingPreference.bundle/Contents/MacOS/InternetSharingPreference
Feb 7 03:36:48 localhost configd[113]: Reason: image not found
Feb 7 03:36:48 localhost configd[113]: loading
Feb 7 03:36:48 localhost configd[113]: adding
Feb 7 03:36:48 localhost configd[113]: adding
Feb 7 03:36:48 localhost configd[113]: adding
Feb 7 03:36:48 localhost configd[113]: loading
Feb 7 03:36:48 localhost configd[113]: loading
Feb 7 03:36:48 localhost configd[113]: adding
Feb 7 03:36:48 localhost configd[113]: skipped (disabled)
Feb 7 03:36:49 localhost configd[113]: updateConfiguration(): no preferences.
Feb 7 03:36:50 localhost configd[113]: LSExceptions [0x7fe6c1e1ca30] loaded
Feb 7 03:36:51 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: 124.1 - Client: apsd, UID: 0, EUID: 0, GID: 0, EGID: 0
Feb 7 03:36:51 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: 124.1 - ODNodeCreateWithNameAndOptions request, SessionID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, Name: /Search, Options: 0x0
Feb 7 03:36:51 localhost opendirectoryd[123]: 124.1 - ODNodeCreateWithNameAndOptions failed with error ‘Unknown node name’ (2000)
Feb 7 03:36:54 localhost configd[113]: network changed: DNS*
Feb 7 03:36:54 localhost configd[113]: network changed.
Feb 7 03:36:54 MacBook-Pro.local configd[113]: setting hostname to “MacBook-Pro.local”
Feb 7 03:36:55 MacBook-Pro.local Unknown[385]: kern.boottime: { sec = 1644233796, usec = 0 } Mon Feb 7 03:36:36 2022
Feb 7 03:36:56 MacBook-Pro.local Unknown[394]: Launching the Language Chooser for an OS Install
Feb 7 03:36:56 MacBook-Pro.local configd[113]: InterfaceNamer: No current set
Feb 7 03:36:56 MacBook-Pro.local configd[113]: New network configuration saved
Feb 7 03:36:56 MacBook-Pro.local configd[113]: network changed.
Feb 7 03:37:01 MacBook-Pro.local configd[113]: LSExceptions [0x7fe6c1e1ca30] unloaded
Feb 7 03:37:02 MacBook-Pro.local Language Chooser[395]: Setting system to install/recovery mode.
Feb 7 03:37:03 MacBook-Pro.local Unknown[396]: Setting boot completed.
Feb 7 03:37:03 MacBook-Pro.local Language Chooser[395]: Waiting for prepaired devices to appear
Feb 7 03:37:07 MacBook-Pro.local opendirectoryd[123]: 124 - Client: ‘apsd’, exited with 0 session(s), 0 node(s) and 0 active request(s)
Feb 7 03:37:13 MacBook-Pro.local Language Chooser[395]: Prepaired wait done.
Feb 7 03:37:13 MacBook-Pro.local Unknown[396]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16899.
Feb 7 03:37:13 MacBook-Pro.local Unknown[396]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16899 has been replaced with -28673.
Feb 7 03:37:13 MacBook-Pro.local Unknown[396]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16900.
Feb 7 03:37:13 MacBook-Pro.local Unknown[396]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16900 has been replaced with -28674.
Feb 7 03:37:14 MacBook-Pro.local Language Chooser[395]: Set keyboard to id: 87
Feb 7 03:37:14 MacBook-Pro.local Language Chooser[395]: Found primary language hint “en”
Feb 7 03:37:14 MacBook-Pro.local Language Chooser[395]: Launching the Springboard using language code “en”
Feb 7 03:37:14 MacBook-Pro.local OSIESpringboard[405]: LSExceptions [0x7f9ac0c10a70] loaded
Feb 7 03:37:14 MacBook-Pro.local OSIESpringboard[405]: Can not connect to /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.socket: No such file or directory
Feb 7 03:37:14 MacBook-Pro.local OSIESpringboard[405]: Failed to unlock login keychain.
Feb 7 03:37:15 MacBook-Pro.local Language Chooser[395]: Not hiding Language Chooser in window counter
Feb 7 03:37:16 MacBook-Pro.local Unknown[396]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16899.
Feb 7 03:37:16 MacBook-Pro.local Unknown[396]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16899 has been replaced with -28673.
Feb 7 03:37:16 MacBook-Pro.local Unknown[396]: Keyboard Layouts: duplicate keyboard layout identifier -16900.
Feb 7 03:37:16 MacBook-Pro.local Unknown[396]: Keyboard Layouts: keyboard layout identifier -16900 has been replaced with -28674.
Feb 7 03:37:16 MacBook-Pro.local Language Chooser[395]: Ordering out cinematic windows.
Feb 7 03:37:16 MacBook-Pro.local Language Chooser[395]: Hiding Language Chooser in progress callback
Feb 7 03:37:16 MacBook-Pro.local configd[113]: network changed: v4(en0+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
Feb 7 03:37:17 MacBook-Pro configd[113]: setting hostname to “MacBook-Pro”
Feb 7 03:37:25 MacBook-Pro OSIESpringboard[405]: LSExceptions [0x7f9ac0c10a70] unloaded
Feb 7 03:39:42 MacBook-Pro startosinstall[504]: OSInstallerSetup build: 1
Feb 7 03:39:42 MacBook-Pro startosinstall[504]: No compatibility bundle on this version of macOS. Will assume compatible.
Feb 7 03:39:42 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupyosemiteplaind[506]: BaseSystem clock appears to be correct
Feb 7 03:39:42 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupyosemiteplaind[506]: OSISSoftwareUpdateController: Using catalog (source: GM Default):
Feb 7 03:39:42 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupyosemiteplaind[506]: mountDiskImageWithPath: /Volumes/Image Install/Deploy/macOS/Install macOS
Feb 7 03:39:43 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupyosemiteplaind[506]: OSISSoftwareUpdateController: Loaded catalog (604 products)
Feb 7 03:39:47 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupyosemiteplaind[506]: Mounting disk image complete, results dict = {
“system-entities” = (
“content-hint” = “Apple_HFS”;
“dev-entry” = “/dev/disk16s2”;
“mount-point” = “/Volumes/InstallESD”;
“potentially-mountable” = 1;
“unmapped-content-hint” = “48465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC”;
“volume-kind” = hfs;
“content-hint” = “GUID_partition_scheme”;
“dev-entry” = “/dev/disk16”;
“potentially-mountable” = 0;
“unmapped-content-hint” = “GUID_partition_scheme”;
“content-hint” = EFI;
“dev-entry” = “/dev/disk16s1”;
“potentially-mountable” = 1;
“unmapped-content-hint” = “C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B”;
“volume-kind” = msdos;
Feb 7 03:39:47 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupyosemiteplaind[506]: Mount point /Volumes/InstallESD
Feb 7 03:39:47 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupyosemiteplaind[506]: Using product <OSISSharedSupportProduct: 0x7fe001edb780> at distance 10
Feb 7 03:39:47 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupyosemiteplaind[506]: Using product based on media at /Volumes/InstallESD at distance 5
Feb 7 03:39:47 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupyosemiteplaind[506]: Using product <OSISPredicateUpdateProduct: 0x7fe006b90a30> at distance 20
Feb 7 03:39:47 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupyosemiteplaind[506]: osinstallersetupd registered client
Feb 7 03:39:47 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupyosemiteplaind[506]: OSISPredicateUpdateProduct: Incompatible Apps List: Evaluating products in catalog
Feb 7 03:39:47 MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupyosemiteplaind[506]: -[OSISTargetController isCSFusionDrive:]: failed to get LVG for disk1s2
Feb 7 03:48:46 MacBook-Pro configd[113]: network changed: v4(en0-: DNS- Proxy-
Feb 7 03:48:46 MacBook-Pro.local configd[113]: setting hostname to “MacBook-Pro.local”
Feb 7 03:48:51 MacBook-Pro.local configd[113]: network changed: v4(en0+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
Feb 7 03:48:51 MacBook-Pro configd[113]: setting hostname to “MacBook-Pro”

Is it possible the recovery is newer than Catalina? If so, try booting from internet recovery or external drive that has catalina on it.


I would try booting from Internet Recovery and then formatting the HDD in APFS if that is an option.

Hello, Yes I have tried it and that is the solution thanks :grinning:

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