Winclone 6 does not finish or complete Restore to Disk run

Winclone 6 does not finish or complete “Restore to Disk” run.
I wait for hours, the program does not come to an “end”.
After hours I push the “Cancel” button,
the system tells me that the “Restore is cancelled” BUT I have afterwards a (new) BootCamp with a running Windows system.

Have several times

 deleted Winclone 6
 downloaded again Winclone 6
 run again Restore to Disk"

Same problem. Program does not come to a defined “end”.

Maybe it is related to the problem with the solid progress bar.


Please me the logs via the Help menu and refer to this thread in the sheet that comes down, and I’ll investigate further.


I have the same problem

Please me the logs via the Help menu and refer to this thread in the sheet that comes down, and I’ll investigate further.


Beside having no moving progress bar…
…as my winclone 6 does not tell me when it is finished,
(it is updating the Master Boot Record for ever)
how many hours do I have to wait for a 65 GB Bootcamp to be restored?

It depends on the number of files. If it is a file based image (WIM), it can take a good amount of time on a spinning platter hard disk.


with the contrast solution for the progress bar
I have now also a completion message, waiting long enough.
Guess the two issues are not related,
my two issues seem to be solved.