Winclone 7 backup

May I save (and restore) my incremental backup on an external drive ? (the same where i have the Mac Time Machine backup).

It should work, but we currently only test on the local drive. Please share your results if you try it.


I have the same Question as pascapasso-
May I save (and restore) my incremental backup on an external drive ? (the same where i have the Mac Time Machine backup).
So far I have tried to save image to external drive in 7.3 and it is stuck?!
It always worked in Winclone 6 !!
Also, is there a way to backup bootcamp the same way as Version 6?? It showed the exact disk contents instead of an “Incremental Image backup”??
Please let me know

Can you please send me the log when it gets “stuck”?

log show --style syslog --predicate 'process contains[cd] "winclone"' --info --last 2d

(you can adjust the argument of “2d” from 2 days to other time periods that you want the log, like “10m” for the last 10 minutes or 3h for the last 3 hours).

Can you explain a bit on “showed the exact disk contents instead of an “Incremental Image backup””
