Winclone restore error: macOS can't repair the disk

Please help…

I sent my laptop to Apple to fix the hardware issue and they replaced some hardwares (screen, keyboard with top panel and battery).

When my laptop is back, I restored my Winc lone image successfully but macOS is not working properly with Winclone partation and show an error message, "macOS can’t repair the disk “BOOTCAMP”.

I can’t use the “First Aid” function from Disk Utility but I can boot up the Windows OS.

I tried with three differnt Winclone images but still the same.

Following is the hardware and softare info and image

MacBook Pro 2016 with touch bar
macOS Mojave 10.14.2
Windows 10 Pro (partation name is “BOOTCAMP”)
Winclone Standard 7.3.2 (42032)

So can you boot into macOS? When do you get this error message?


The very first time was when macOS try to mount the bootcamp partaion after restored the winclone image.

Subsequently is every macOS boot and try to mount the bootcamp partation.

Can you open Console when it gives that message (or unmount and re-mount it in disk utility) and see if it gives any better info?
